Prosiect Sero Net Gwynedd benefits from £300,000 from the Shared Prosperity Fund
The project led by Adra is based on a partnership established in 2021 with the aim of tackling issues of fuel poverty and decarbonisation across Gwynedd.
Several organisations across Gwynedd are part of the partnership, including, Cyngor Gwynedd, Grŵp Cynefin, DEG, Ogwen Partnership, Ynni Llŷn, CydYnni, Siop Griffiths and MaesNi.
Gwen Thomas, Project Manager, said: “We are very pleased to be able to continue with the work following the receiving of £300,000 from the Shared Prosperity Fund recently.
“There are two elements to the project, the first element is to empower communities, where we will give advice to the residents of Gwynedd on how to; reduce their energy use, improve the efficiency of their homes, give them direct support depending on the situations.
“We will also be supporting various community events to further engage with the community and raise awareness of decarbonisation.
“The second element is the Community Hubs, where we offer decarbonisation reports for community buildings. From these reports we proceed to make the recommendations in order to improve the effectiveness of those buildings.”
Bharadwaj Raman, DEG’s Energy Service Coordinator, added: “We are currently recruiting a team of trained Energy Officers to visit homeowners, private renters and social housing tenants to provide advice and guidance on energy use and efficiency.
“The work our Energy Officers do includes; raising awareness of the benefits of energy saving, give practical help on reducing energy costs, help on how to reduce the use of unsustainable fuels, support residents to reduce their energy use, look for practical solutions to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, providing energy saving equipment for example LED light bulbs.”
“In addition, our Energy Officers share practical advice about steps that can be taken to reduce the impact of fuel poverty and refer residents in need to the support services available. Our Energy Officers can also help residents fill in the application forms to receive appropriate benefits/grants and help contact energy providers to reduce costs (by changing tariffs or changing suppliers) for example.”
Are you aware of a community building in your area that would benefit from receiving a decarbonisation report? Prosiect Sero Net Gwynedd have the resources to offer a limited number of decarbonisation reports. For more information contact amgylcheddol@adra.co.uk
If you are keen to get advice about your use of energy in your home, please feel free to contact cymunedol@adra.co.uk