Pupils of Academi Adra course in our call centre

Different ways to contact us so you can get a faster response to your queries

Are you keen to get a faster response when you contact us? Here are a few different ways to contact us.

Did you know?

Did you know that the busiest days on our phones in the contact center are Monday and Tuesday? As a result, you are much more likely to get through to us sooner by contacting us between Wednesday and Friday.

Did you know we have a contact back service? That is, if you are waiting a long time for your phone call to go through, you can use a callback service, where you choose an option for us to call you back but you don’t lose your place in the queue, and it frees up time for you to do other things.

Did you also know that you can email us instead of calling? Enquiries@adra.co.uk