eCymru is live!
We’ve has been working with other Registered Social Landlords and tenants across Wales to create, eCymru, a housing portal connecting the Welsh community.
eCymru is a platform that offers events, engagement, and e-learning opportunities that can help tenants live happier and healthier lives.
COVID-19 sparked a collaboration across Wales to bring tenants a new digital experience. eCymru has been created and powered by the knowledge, skills, and experiences of individuals from across Wales, to ensure the platform meets the diverse needs of the communities it serves and make it user friendly for learners.
The platform has tested and developed by hosting trial events such as successful webinars from Digital Communities Wales, covering topics such as shopping safely and saving money, digital health and wellbeing, and a live performance by the Barry Male Voice Choir.
Events throughout Wales
eCymru has also partnered with The Open University to offer a range of free online courses in arts and crafts, education, fitness, and health.
eCymru is now live, providing you with the opportunity to access events, e-learning opportunities and more. If you’d like to look at what eCymru has to offer, visit the website,