Local family moves into their new affordable home in Llay
Local father and his two daughters have moved into their new high quality affordable home provided by us which forms part of a new community of new affordable homes on the outskirts of Wrexham.
Single parent Wayne Edwards has moved to Llay with his two young daughters and now lives very near his family, with his mother from Llay and his father from Cefn-Y-Bedd in Flintshire.
We are responsible for managing affordable two and three bedroom high specification, new affordable homes which are available via Shared Ownership scheme or by Intermediate Rent.
Our homes form part of the mixed development of new homes in Llay, with us partnering with housebuilders Bellway Homes and Anwyl Homes.
Local father, Wayne Edwards, aged 44 has moved into one of these homes with his two daughters, said: “Adra has provided us with a place we can make our home, and we feel safe and secure. The estate we have moved onto is very well designed and provides diversity to our lives through a mixed demographic.
“Adra have been extremely supportive through the whole process of applying, moving and settling in.”
Elin Owen, Affordable Homes Officer here at Adra, added:
“It’s extremely rewarding to see people move into their new homes and being part of that process. We have a range of options available for people looking to move to these new affordable and comfortable homes in Llay, Wrexham.
“We have homes available under a scheme called Shared Ownership where customers can part-buy and part-rent their new home, with a minimum equity of 25% to a maximum of 75%.
“Customers can get their foot on the housing ladder and increase their share of the ownership at any time based on sustainable repayment plans. A monthly rent is then based on the share not purchased.”
We currently have five three-bed family homes available for Shared Ownership in Llay; for more details please contact the Affordable Homes Team on 0300 1238084 or tai@adra.co.uk / homes@adra.co.uk
To be considered for an affordable home, applicants must register with Tai Teg. Please visit taiteg.org.uk for more information.
For further information on Shared Ownership please visit: www.gov.wales/yourhomeinwales