Total evacuation flats

A fire detection system which is fitted in the communal area, linked to each flat and has a fire alarm panel located in the communal area.

Fire inside your flat or activation of the communal fire alarm

  • Take the normal way out – don’t use the lift if ones installed.
  • Don’t waste time investigating what’s happened or rescuing valuables – remember, get out, stay out and close the door behind you.
  • Move as quickly but as safely as you can to exit the building.
  • Close doors behind you to slow down the spread of fire and smoke.
  • Call 999 as soon as you are safe to do so.
  • Muster at the designated “Fire Assembly Point” and await the arrival of the Fire Service.

Byddwch yn gweld Rhybudd Tân ar holl waliau ardaloedd cymunedol.

Cymerwch amser i ddarllen a deall cynnwys y rhybudd, gwybod ble mae eich “Man Ymgynnull” a gwneud yn siŵr bod y man cymunol bob amser yn cael ei gadw’n glir.