
Your opinion as a customer is valuable to us.

That’s why we regularly ask you opinion about changes that are going to happen.

We use this information to improve our services to you and our communities.


  • Closed Consultations

    Self- Evaluation 2022 -2023 Customer Consultation

    We recently undertook our Annual Self-Evaluation during the Summer. Self-Evaluation is about taking an honest view of how the organisation performed during the year.

    Read the full report

    Damp, Mould and Condensation Consultation

    Our Damp and Mould Policy is regarded as a ground-breaking document in the housing sector, we are one of the first social landlords to develop and adopt such a policy.

    The policy was the first to be consulted on since the launch of our new Participation Strategy – ‘Your Voice in March 2023.

    As part of the consultation process, we identified 80 properties that had reported problems with damp and mould. All 80 households received copies of the relevant documentation and were asked for their thoughts and observations on the proposed new policy. Our officers also visited 25% of these properties in person to gather the thoughts and feedback of those affected. We also conducted wider consultation via our website and social media channels.

    We received some excellent and constructive feedback which was then shared with our Board and helped form the final document. Our Board approved the policy at their meeting in October 2023.

    Communications Consultation

    Hearing the views and experiences of the people who live in our homes and receive our services is extremely important to us and will help us to improve those services that we provide to you. To ensure that we hear the views of as many of our customers as possible, it’s important that we know and understand how they’d like to share those views with us.

    Read the Communication Consultations Results

    Market Rent Consultation

    We reviewed our Market Rent Policy between 09 September 2022 and 23 September 2022.

    We are currently analysing the results.


    Welsh Housing Quality Standard

    We’ve passed your feedback on to the Welsh Government as part of our response.

    We are currently awaiting a response from the Welsh Government.


    Cost-of-living survey

    We held a consultation about the current cost-of-living crisis between: 05/10/2022- 11/11/2022.

    Read the Cost-of-Living Survey Results


    Ventilation Policy

    Thank you for the feedback received during this consultation. This feedback has now helped us to draw up the final policy.

    The policy has now been approved by Adra’s Board.