Supported Housing Service in the Community

We are offering eligible customers a similar service to living in one of our sheltered housing schemes, but, by remaining in their own home.

The support offered is to help retain the customer’s independence for as long as possible, to:

  • improve quality of life

  • health

  • wellbeing

What the service includes

The supported housing service in the community includes:

  • support visits to your home. Available Monday to Friday to carry out regular welfare checks. The Supported Housing Officer can provide advice or assist on a range of housing related matters
  • links and referrals to other agencies for shopping or cleaning or for other support needs.
  • a Personal Support Plan based on your assessed needs
  • an option of having an emergency alarm system (lifeline). A telephone line must be installed
  • invitations to different activities at your nearest Sheltered Housing Scheme or community organisations within your area, such as; coffee mornings, lunch club, bingo, art club, chair exercise and many more

Who is eligible for this support

You must be our tenant in order to be eligible for this service. You will also need to meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • in need of support
  • age 55 or over
  • disabled

Apply for the service

If you are interested in receiving the Supported Housing in the Community Service or would like an informal chat with on eof our Supported Housing Officers, get i touch:

Contact us


There is a weekly charge for the Supported Housing Service in the Community and the Emergency Alarm Service, and these are charged separately from your rent.

You will be expected to pay a service charge for this service. This cost goes towards:

  • Emergency Alarm Service: £2.58 a week
  • Supported Housing Officer Service: £11.39 a week

You will be informed of any increase in cost a month before.

If you are in receipt of housing benefit or universal credit (housing benefit element), Local Authorities’ Supporting People service will pay for the above service through the supporting people grant.