Changing your tenancy type and details
We understand that your household circumstances change all the time and it’s important that you let us know when they do.
If someone moves in or moves out, you should tell us so that we can update our systems.
Sometimes, you may want to make changes to your contract, such as adding a new contract-holder, or removing a contract-holder.
The information here will hopefully explain how to go about sorting this.
Tenancy agreement
Tenancy agreement is the name of the contract between you (customer) and us (your landlord).
It’s a legal document that shows your rights and responsibilities.
- everyone named on a joint tenancy are responsible for paying the rent and keeping to the rules of the contract.
- if one person breaks the rules, everyone is responsible
- all of the joint tenants have the same right to live there
Adding a Contract Holder
Adding a contract-holder requires our written permission. When considering whether to grant permission or not, we will consider each application on it’s own merit, but will consider whether the applicant is likely to comply with the conditions of any contract.
To make an application, download an application form and return it to us.
Adding a Contract Holder application form
Adding a Contract Holder application form (pdf)
We will consider your application and get back to you with a decision within one month
Removing a Contract Holder – Withdrawal
The process of removing your own name from a contract is called ‘withdrawal’. A contract-holder may remove themselves from the contract by giving us at least a month’s written notice.
The ‘withdrawal notice’ must have the date of which you intend to stop being a part of the contract on it.
You must also share a copy of this ‘withdrawal notice’ with all the other remaining contract holders.
After a month of us receiving the notice, you will no longer be a contract-holder. You will still be responsible for any obligations of the contract, including the rent, up until this point.
Removing your name from the contract does not put the remaining contract-holder’s contract at risk, and they will remain to be contract-holders.
Changing your name or other details
If there has been a legal change in your details, for example after you’ve married, it’s important that you let us know so that we can update our systems. We’ll need to see a copy of a document that has your new details on, such as a marriage certificate or similar. You can let us know your new details by completing this form below.. If you just need to let us know of a new addition to your family, or about someone moving out, please give us a call to share those details with us.
Changing your name
If you've changed your name recently you need to let us know so that we can update your details in our systems.