Universal Credit

Your benefits are changing.

Universal Credit is a new benefit that helps with your living costs.

Universal Credit is often referred to as UC.

Managed Migration – Your guide to Universal Credit

Managed Migration – You guide to Universal Credit 

Managed Migration is the final phase of the roll out of Universal Credit. It is where those claiming one or more of the ‘legacy’ benefits that Universal Credit is replacing are ‘invited’ to claim Universal Credit instead. If you receive a ‘legacy’ benefit, then when it is your turn to move onto Universal Credit the DWP will send you a ‘Migration Notice’.

This is a letter notifying you that your legacy benefits are due to end and inviting you to claim Universal Credit.

You don’t need to do anything until you receive your Migration Notice. If you do receive one – don’t ignore it. Your ‘legacy’ benefits will end. Depending on your circumstances you may not receive your Migration Notice until 2025.

Who can have Universal Credit

Universal Credit can help people of working age on a low wage or out of work.

If you are getting one of these benefits, you will be told by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) when to make a Universal Credit claim:

  • Child Tax Credit
  • Housing Benefit (HB)
  • Income Support
  • Job seeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Working Tax Credit


How is Universal Credit paid

Universal Credit is one monthly payment which is paid into your bank account, including your rent.

It will be your responsibility to make rent payments to us.


Help with Universal Credit

If you would like more information about Universal Credit, do not hesitate to contact a member of our Rent Team.

Help with your finances

If you are in financial difficulties or are struggling with managing your money contact a member of the Rents Team on 0300 123 8084.

We will refer you onto outside agencies for specialist advice if needed. Follow the link below for further information regarding budgeting.

Maybe budgeting better will be the first step for you, the Money Advice Website can explain more about this.


If you would like advice on how to reduce your energy bills, get in touch with our Energy Wardens.