Customer Satisfaction

We want to know how our customers think we are doing.

To help us find out we’ve been working with a market research agency who ask over 135 customers each month about their experience with us.

We use this feedback to improve our services, together with what we learn from our estate walkabouts and what our customers tell us.

In other words, we try and do more of what you told us you like and less of what you don’t like.

Listening to your opinions

Each month we select a random sample of customers who have had different services from us in that month. Examples of these services can include

  • a repair
  • support from our anti-social behaviour team
  • contact with our rents team

If you are included as part of the sample you will be contacted by our call centre staff and they will explain the purpose of the survey and ask if you would like to take part. If you have any concerns you are welcome to contact our call centre or contact us in another way to verify that it is us contacting you.

We use the results to help us improve our services and we may use anonymised comments in our publications.


What have we done?

Over recent years, we have used the feedback to plan improvements to our services and these can be found in our 2022-2025 Corporate Plan. Our vision is to deliver excellent services to our customers, invest in our existing stock, and build more high quality, low carbon affordable homes. The main themes are:

  • Providing an excellent customer experience, which includes reviewing our response times for repairs and empty homes
  • Providing quality homes to be proud of, which includes investing £60m in our existing homes
  • Decarbonising our homes, which includes investing in our current housing stock to make them as energy efficient as possible.
  • Supporting people and communities to thrive, which includes recognising where our customers may need additional support.
  • Strengthening our business, which includes maximising the benefits of our work on the local communities.

What do our customers think?

What next?

Our new corporate plan has set out our ambitions to provide an excellent customer experience, provide quality homes to be proud of and support people and communities to thrive and we will aim to deliver.

How do we compare?

The feedback we receive, and tenant surveys undertaken by other Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) in Wales are monitored by our Regulator the Welsh Government. Our customers, those who are considering becoming our customers and other interested organisations and individuals can see how our customers feel about our services.

In May 2024, the Welsh Government released a report on tenant satisfaction across Wales Social landlords: tenant satisfaction survey May 2022 | GOV.WALES